Case study: Our Journey From Strategy to Action

In this video Mike Welch from the American Planning Association (APA) details the transformative journey that the APA embarked on to significantly enhance the performance and value of their PMO - known as the Strategy Delivery Office. Mike is joined by Laura Barnard, CEO of PMO Strategies, who with her dedicated team played a pivotal role in guiding the APA through this evolutionary process.

This video gives a quick 15 minute overview of their journey to success, to dive deeper you can watch the full 1 hour webinar here.

Related Resources:

  • Learn more about how project prioritization and portfolio optimization can maximize the ROI and strategic impact delivered by your investment in projects at our resources page
  • Watch our 6 video mini-course on how to double the ROI from your portfolio
  • And if you'd like to discuss whether your organization has the potential to double the return from your investment in projects, you can book a meeting here